Healing NOW!
Living in the Now Newsletter
October 27, 2019
There is much anger.
Some fear the changes we see. These changes are slow enough to clearly see major shifts, such as the shift from war to peace. That war is primarily a money maker is also becoming ever more obvious. That it is an obstacle to personal safety and growth is widely recognized even if this is ignored. That the absence of war helps many to live and function better is universally known. Yet many cling to the familiar way, however uncomfortable and destructive, preferring the illusionary certainty and security of the habitual. Yet, it is the unknown which offers adventure and opportunity, which sparks our interest and creativity, fulfilling our desire to learn and to grow.
Anger arises when some see how the allowing of the taking of a lesser path has resulted in not so good events and situations. Keeping one’s head down has been chosen over speaking up, speaking out, over sticking one’s neck out to get one’s head chopped off. However, it is the role of only some to publicly protest and risk all. It is the path of many to witness and survive no matter how uncomfortable this may be. Some who see clearly must survive.
Anger arises when there is judgement of the paths taken. Judging the choices of self or others is unacceptable. This generates fear, doubt, second guessing, mistrust. If the anger is accepted and integrated into one’s being, the resulting actions, such as unkindness, venomous speech, depression, violence, etc., negatively impact the lives of all.
The energy generated by anger can be transmuted instead into love, expressed as care and concern for the well being of self, family, friends and neighbors. This may require effort and the active control of thoughts to direct our feelings and actions into positive channels. This transmuting allows us to function and grow in a healthy manner.
The acceptance of anger requires its eventual release for it is personally destructive. The longer anger is held, the more challenging is the letting go. Holding onto anger is living in a prison of one’s own making. Preventing it from taking root is the better path, the easier way.
Recognizing one’s anger is the first step in letting it go. Replacing angry thoughts with kind, loving, generous, cooperative thoughts raises one’s energy and makes one feel better. Raising one’s energy helps one to step back from one’s anger and see it and its effects more clearly, easing its release.
Deciding to release an anger is the turning point in its release. Replacing angry/fearful thoughts with loving/positive thoughts can then become the new pattern, freeing one to truly live NOW.
Our choice.
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Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
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Do You Know? ...
Anger is fear based.
Hate is fear based. Love banishes fear..