Expect the Unexpected!
Living in the Now Newsletter
August 27, 2019
Much is happening now. In the next 30 +/- days. Some will hit hard. Some will be hardly noticed. It is helpful to maintain core peace, i.e., BE the calm in the eye of the storm, affecting all around, as ripples in a pond.
Overcome fear. Look at all the ramifications of what is occurring. You may choose to not look for a while, focus on something else, and return to consider disturbing events after a little rest. Remember, mind is the builder. And it is better to focus on what can be done rather than on the not so good results of certain events.
For example, there may be some major changes in global finances. The current debt system may be replaced by asset backed currencies. This may cause some temporary discomfort but will benefit all in the long term as we are freed from debt slavery.
Other events may lead to recognizing that followed leaders do not always adhere to the Constitution or respect human rights. This recognition opens doors for us to work with our neighbors in building respect for all, releasing the not so good practices, forgiving mistakes, and forming new ways of business, cooperation and governing more beneficial to all.
We may find that it is a shift in perspective rather than a drastic change, to our great relief, that is required.
Compare prosperity and profit. Profit focuses on making more money than is spent on the effort, with little or no thought of the impact on those involved or affected. Prosperity, on the other hand, is working to provide for self, family, and community so that all may live comfortably. The goal is the comfort and long term well being of all involved. Certain aspects may lose money which is offset by gains in other areas.
An example is the environmental concerns section of Merck in Rahway, NJ, observed from 1994—2009. It focused on maintaining the best environment possible, meeting and exceeding most standards. By focusing on well being rather than costs, it saved money and had fun making friends with neighbors and the community.
Profit is a linear focus, sometimes non-renewable. Prosperity is spherical. all encompassing.
Another area which may be greatly affected is "location". There are many factors affecting locations where people live, work, play, etc. Again, a shift in perspective may allow people to deal with these changes more harmoniously. Being less emotionally attached and looking at changes as new adventures will improve outlooks.
Preparation is a key factor in facing change. The better prepared we are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, the better we may expect to act and react to changes. It may be wise to reconsider preparations already made and make whatever adjustments appear helpful. Diversity is often a good thing.
Being open to promptings from the heart and listening may avoid heartaches.
When facing great change: BE calm; be grateful ; take care of physical needs, [rest, water, food, meditation, etc.]; cooperate with others and be in the NOW.
Wanisi do
Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
Copyright etaoqua 2019 © All rights reserved.
Do You Know? ...
Love/light banishes fear.
Fear does not survive in the light.
Neither does hate nor anger.
… Being grateful also
raises energy levels.