What to do NOW?
Living in the Now Newsletter
July 27, 2019
In respecting sovereignty, we abstain from telling others what to do.
We are here to help each other, usually by showing how we ourselves do it, but also by encouraging others when it may be beneficial and by cooperating with each other.
We are currently challenged to see and face ourselves. Doing so helps others. The ripple effect.
We mirror each other.
We have for millennia lived with those who wish to control others, disrespecting human rights. The current communication/economic/monetary/education/government/health care systems are designed to maximize this control.
The disorganized chaos promoted by these ones desiring to control is being displaced by the organized chaos necessary for free expression of all. This cleansing process began with Earth asking for help some 8 decades ago. It has accelerated in recent years and is succeeding.
Nothing happens to us without our consent.
Sometimes we are tricked into assenting by a twisted combination of lies, truth and our rush to judgement. E.g., all side effects of medications are routinely published in ads, thus obtaining our implied consent before use.
We have five main considerations at present:
1. Maintain our own balance, harmony, serenity, creativity and energy levels.
2. Help others feels safe enough to be willing to see the not so good state in which we are living and how we may change it.
3. Refrain from causing the minds of others to "crack" by revealing more than they can presently handle. This is necessary for the good of all to maintain the highest energy levels thus facilitating the least disruptive and most beneficial transition to a better system we are currently going through. That pedophilia, e.g., is a widespread means of corrupting public officials will sadden and blow many minds.
4. Refrain from interfering with the self destructive behaviors and actions of the depraved indifferent.
5. Focus daily on the world we wish to see, grateful to be.
I wish to work with each and all desiring the good.
We are all related.
Wanisi do
Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
Copyright etaoqua 2019 © All rights reserved.
Do You Know? ... These ones desiring
to control and/or their minions do
sometimes change their mind.
Love banishes fear.