Illusion vs. Reality:
What happens when we wake up?
Living in the Now Newsletter
May 27, 2019
Many assume we live in a democracy. This is simply not so. The U.S. Constitution establishes a union of sovereign states as a republic. Each sovereign state selects their own leaders. Each sovereign state also selects representatives to meet with other states’ delegates to decide common policy for things of joint interest, such as communications, defense, transportation, trade, etc. The remaining decisions are to be made locally by the counties and states.
We, however, allow ourselves to be ruled by a hierarchical, top down corporation, whose leaders are selected and presented to us only for final approval. These leaders also hide information and make up stories instead of speaking true. More and more people are becoming aware of this reality. The time is near when this is seen by many and those unaware until now may be just a bit upset.
We need to prepare our selves to help all willing to make the adjustments required, to maintain their balance and a sufficient energy level to survive. To raise energy levels, we may express gratitude, love, forgiveness; laugh; breathe; sing/chant, etc
Laws do not give people rights. We, the people, have inherent, inalienable rights, such as the rights to life, to liberty, to freedom of expression, to the pursuit of happiness. The right to life includes the right to pure food and water, to adequately oxygenated air to breath, to adequate and secure shelter, as well as freedom from exposure to harmful chemicals and other substances, etc .
Statues and regulations merely confirm our rights and may establish consequences for those violating another’s rights.
Laws do give corporations rights. Corporations are persons NOT people. The only rights they have are those given by the people.
It is wise to exercise great care in creating laws which may infringe on people’s rights, for if we restrict one we restrict all. We are all connected. Limiting another also limits us.
It may be good to change regulations as we see circumstances changing,
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Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
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Do You Know? ... We are mirrors.
We mirror each other. What we notice in another
tells us something about our self. What we see in
another is a reflection of our self. If we don’t like what we
we can take a good look at our self and
decide what we wish to change.