LITN Newsletter 1903
2-3 Updated: Dec. 26, 2023

Disclosure: —Part II

Living in the Now Newsletter
March 27, 2019

        As usual, there is disagreement as to how this is to be done. There are those who want soft disclosure, in dribs and drabs, here a little, there a little. Nothing too exciting all at once. There are those who want a hard disclosure, all revealed at once, sending many rushing to treatment centers and self medications. And there are ones who wish an ongoing disclosure, constantly revealing as much as people are ready to take in and assimilate, to build a new equitable and just society on Earth.

        We have a choice. We control how much we take in at once. It is our decision. If we refuse to decide, however, it may be very uncomfortable. If we do decide to take in a little at a time, this is how it proceeds for us. If we wish as much as we can get, the information is out there and we will see it. The important thing is that we respect each others’ decisions, even those who will not decide.

    What is this disclosure?

        It is the revealing of what certain groups have, for the most part, kept hidden for profit and fear. For millennia. We have always had sacred things only revealed to ones when they are ready and able to handle it properly. However, there is much that would benefit all but is being kept secret so that only some may benefit, at times at the expense of others. This is a main point to be disclosed. Accepting this helps us to receive the rest of the information more easily.

        There are other major things requiring disclosure. Another major point is just how much has been kept hidden. A third is that ones we trusted have lied to us. And we have gone along. A complication is that many doing the disclosing have also done things they wish they had not. There are ones now publicly revealing what they have done as part of their "restitution". A major tool in draining the swamp is the ones revealing what they have done and naming others with whom they did it. The more accepting of this by people in general, the more this will occur.

    What can we do?

        As some have been born into families benefiting from these secrets, some have also been born into families knowing about this. However, this is a very small minority of the people. We, individually, can decide to be open to what may contradict whatever we have learned up to now. This does not mean blindly accepting new information. It simply means being willing to look at new information, however uncomfortable the "looking" may be, and examining exactly what is being presented, then deciding whether it is good for us or not, now or in the future. It means not condemning those presenting the information, although it may mean learning about and condemning certain actions as unacceptable.

        There may be a tendency to fault those who knew about these things for not speaking up. However, we must all recognize the number of people who are no longer with us simply because of what they knew. And the many killed once they decided enough was enough. Many have been sworn to secrecy under pain of death. Many have not only had their lives threatened but also the lives of their children and grandchildren.

        What would you do?

        We can decide enough is enough. We can form small groups to support each other as we go through this learning and processing. We can discuss this with others having similar difficulties. We can remember to reflect and meditate. And we can remember that our purpose in the physical is to learn. And that all creation is watching how we do it while waiting to help us if we but ask.

Wanisi do

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Do You Know? . . . . . .
There is a thing
called "Disclosure" going on right now.