Disclosure: revealing what has been kept hidden
Living in the Now Newsletter
February 27, 2019
We are spirits with physical bodies. As spirits we know. Taking on material bodies, we train our minds to know. The mind sees/hears, becomes aware, understands, accepts what is, forgives, lets go. We are passionate detachment. Our minds and personalities are learning to be passionately detached as we become one with ourselves.
The love we feel is only an aspect of the love we are. The emotions we feel are possible because of the material aspect we have taken on. These emotions are connections between the physical and the spirit. We are much more than our emotions.
The world we live in is a place filled with deception. This has not come about without our consent. Nothing happens to us without our consent. The lifting of the veils must also be with our consent. As the veils are removed, as information is disclosed, it may be beneficial to listen without judgment, with discernment and compassion, with passionate detachment. We may keep our heads above water. We may keep our minds.
The information comes from many sources. Many who are revealing truths are speaking from their own experiences which may not resonate totally with us. Many have done things they strongly regret which is prompting them to speak. Not all is true. And much is directly from spirit, sometimes passing through those who have learned to listen. As we become more open to hearing, we are given more to process. Some is directly contradictory to what we are accustomed. It is not easy to accept that we have been deceived. It is doable. We can take it. We are resilient.
These data dumps are not only spiritual, mental and emotional. They are also physical, causing changes in our bodies as we assimilate the information we have kept repressed for so long.
As we learn and accept our true history, processing and letting go of the accompanying emotions, we are building a new world of truth, respect, peace, love, freedom, and cooperation. Be the ever expanding eye of the storm. Be in the NOW.
Wanisi do
Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
Copyright etaoqua 2019 © All rights reserved.
Do You Know? . . . . . .
What happens next week
matters less than what we do today.
What we do today determines
where we are and
what we face tomorrow.