To Eliminate Pain, Eliminate the Cause
Living in the Now Newsletter
November 27, 2018
Being pain free is a normal human condition:
We tend to treat the symptoms yet ignore the causes of dis-ease. Pain is a major symptom that something is wrong. There are many causes of back pain, for example, but few actually look into the cause of this pain. Spinal injury is only one of many possible triggers of lower back pain. However, many seek only to relieve the pain, ignoring causes instead of relieving pain while seeking to learn the cause. But not all pain is the result of a current event.
Much of the pain we experience is inherited from our ancestors. This pain must be recognized for what it is and let go so all generations may be helped, our ancestors, as well as our children, their children, and all future generations. This is very important NOW so that we are able to build a new human society. Pain experienced is often held for too long. We prefer the pain we know to its absence. If we still have lessons to learn, the pain will remain, no worries. If the lesson is learned, the pain will leave as we agree to let it go.
Getting help from others may be useful. This aid can take many forms: energy passing through the hands of another; long distance healing energy; adjustment from a qualified practitioner; taking herbs and supplements for balancing the body's chemistry. Other actions include relearning how to use a function of the body, such as modifying posture; relieving stress through relaxation, meditation, physical exercise, laughter, singing, dancing, etc.; and making other life changes to improve body functioning.
Two resources possibly helpful in dealing with emotional pain:
1. Dr. Bradley Nelson, writes about tapping into our own emotional code , allowing our subconscious mind to relieve the pain of our emotional baggage, in The Emotion Code
2. Barbara Hand Clow is writing a 3 part fiction series on current historical issues [2011 - 2020], such as pedophilia, and institutional corruption as experienced by her fictional characters. The first two books are Revelations of the Ruby
Crystal and Revelations of the Aquarian Age.
Sovereignty includes mastering emotions
Wanisi do
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Do You Know? ...
Fear, anger and rage are often part of the
underlying cause(s) of prejudice, as well as hate.
These negative feelings, expressed or not, may affect
the physical bodies of those holding them, resulting in a
condition we call dis-ease. Of course, this is not the only
cause of dis-ease. Accidents, ignorance, imbalances,
insects, infections, nutritional deficiencies,
toxicity, war, etc., may all lead to dis-ease.
We frequently experience the resulting
emotions and traumas as pain.