Respect Replaces Judgment.
Cooperation Replaces Bias.
Living in the Now Newsletter
September 27, 2018
Fall Equinox, Sept. 22: This is a time of shifting focus inward as days become shorter and nights longer. Harvest is time to take stock of gains and losses, to reflect, to review decisions made, to find balance. It is time to clear space internally and externally, to gather and store, prepare for winter; to reach out and share with neighbors. It is a time of gratitude and thankfulness, of counting our blessings.
By letting go of what is no longer needed, we make room for what is desired. Focusing on what we wish to see, we bring it into being in our daily lives.
Things we can do:
* Re-envision and re-energize our goals with long term planning. Seeds of ideas planted now flower in the spring.
* Shift our focus into the heart. Connect with our inner knowing. In the fall, focus is on roots, allowing time for them to grow, sweeten and develop nourishment. Encourage sleep, rest and renewal.
* Use the energy of nature’s cycles to open up to our own knowing and intuition via writing, meditating, walking in nature, working with our dreams, singing, imaginating, etc.
A word to the wise … September is National Preparedness Month.
The President advised on Aug.31 that everyone have two weeks of food and water available.
Put aside any animosity and consider our own good and that of our neighbors.
Wanisi do
Volunteers are needed to help with harvesting, planning and maintaining
the Three Sisters Garden, now, and through 2019.
at Seed Song Farm and Center, 160 Esopus Ave., Kingston, NY, 12401.
Wanisi do.
Contact: (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
Copyright etaoqua 2019 © All rights reserved.
Do You Know? ... Neetopk Keetopk,
began in 2013, continuing our walking together,
acknowledging each other’s sovereignty as agreed
in the Two Row Wampum Treaty of 1613, by the
and the indigenous in what is now New York State.
The ideals of Neetopk Keetopk [My Friends, Your Friends]
are respect, sustainability, sharing, being non-judgmental
and non-hierarchal; cooperation, building circles
of trust, sharing the river of life, honoring
Mother Earth and respecting all life.