Healing Ancestral Grief
Living in the Now Newsletter
April 27, 2018
Healing Ancestral Grief:
Many carry ancestral trauma manifesting as behavioral patterns from one generation to another. This frequently shows up as depression but can express as any not so good habits or behaviors, such as addictions, excesses, family black sheep, anger, anti-social patterns, avoidances, hereditary diseases, etc. We recognize it as ancestral when we can see it among various family members in multiple generations. The time to heal this is now so that we can better handle the current earth changes.
Healing requires recognition that this exists, acceptance that it’s not unique to individuals but is shared by others [this is healing in itself], looking at its expression in our lives, accepting the situation then forgiving and letting it go.
A series of four 2-hour sessions will be held at Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY, on May 16 & 30. June 6 & 20, [Weds.] 6 to 8 pm. Facilitated by Etaoqua, a M’hicanu grandmother.
All are welcome. No charge. RSVP Etaoqua@juno.com.
an illusion.
Summer Solstice Celebration, Thursday, June 21
Summer Camp -- 6 weeks in June — July
PauWau Gathering -- on a Saturday in August
at Seed Song Farm and Center, 160 Esopus Ave., Kingston, NY.
See www.NeetopkKeetopk.org/events-2018 for more info.
Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
Copyright etaoqua 2019 © All rights reserved.
Do You Know? - Alqonquins had regular
gatherings called by the Pauwau, a person who
helped people maintain their physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual health. These gatherings were often held in
conjunction with Earth happenings several times a year and
lasted for about 10 days. There were talks during the day with
drumming/dancing at night. There were also annual international
get togethers, the basis of the modern powwow. Anyone interested
in helping with such a gathering [one day only]
this summer, please contact Etaoqua.