Seven New Power Point Lectures (2017) available from Evan Pritchard for your organization, club, or school: (most are 90 minutes)
1.Sunkskwa: First Nations Women Leaders of the Esopus Munsee and Eastern Algonquins: A groundbreaking exploration of Chief Mamaroch and 20 other forgotten “Sunkskwa” or women sachems in Algonquin history. Also, how the Haudenosaunee Clan Mothers started the Women’s rights movement leading to the right to vote one hundred years ago.
2.The Tappaen: Keepers of the River Crossings:The Tappaen Indians of NY and NJ Learn about the Lenape nation that was written out of the history books and why we need to honor them now. Are you one of the 1.7 million Americans who live on Tappaen land? Are you one of the tens of thousands opposed to the renaming of the Tappen Zee Bridge? This study reveals the location of their 60 mile stretch of homeland, their inspiring deeds, tragic history, and over a dozen river crossings that the Tappaen administered before the advent of European technology.
3. Giving Thanks in Native American Sign Language: Using slides of Printup’s wonderful illustrations of the book by Jake Swamp, Evan teaches audiences of all ages how to sign the Giving of Thanks prayer.
4. The Way of the Heron: A Timeline of Non-Violent Action. In this richly illustrated lecture, Evan explains the cultural background behind highlights from the last thousand years of environmental and civil action here in North America, in chronological order.
5. Puzzle Words in Algonquin: Using Mi’kmaq and Munsee Delaware examples, Evan’s power point shows how many nouns such as animal names are really sentences that describe what makes that animal or thing totally unique. Some of the phrases inside these single words are sheer poetry.
6. Love It When You Say the Word Poughkeepsie (And Other Native American Place Names) Commissioned by Dutchess Co. and the NEA “Big Read” Native American Cultural Festival, this power point includes photos of about 90 road and town signs in the Hudson Valley that are in the Algonquian language, plus a glimpse of the landscapes referred to, with translations for the curious.
7. What Are Whales Doing in the Hudson? An illustrated lecture celebrating the return of Humpbacks and other endangered whales to the Hudson River, indicating a much cleaner waterway than seen in 3 centuries. Learn how Humpbacks are the “yogis” of the deep.
Many other illustrated lectures available: Ask to see catalogue.
NEW LINKS supplied by Evan Pritchard
Braided Way Magazine: May the Path Be Beautiful
NY Spirit Magazine: Urban Biophilia
Vermont Cable TV program; Wabanaki Spirituality: Praying with Our Hands
Vermont Cable TV program: Wabanaki Spirituality: Bird Medicine and You
Newer Works from Evan:
• Will the Circle Be Unbroken?? A Song For the Earth, with new lyrics by Evan Pritchard. (Resonance, stapled, 4” x 5.5”, 16 full color pages) This unique songbook/greeting card contains words/music to a new Native American version of this great singalong hymn. $4 plus 50 cents postage.
• Native American Stories of the Sacred, the new hardback edition from Turner Books of Nashville. $26 plus postage from PO Box 259 Rosendale, NY 12472.
• People of Manitou: The first complete version of this biographical history of the Algonquin people. Based on the earlier (limited edition) Algonquin Eagle Song from 2001. Self published, Resonance Books (comb binding) $10 plus postage. PO Box 259, Rosendale.
• Red Head Band—A Bindle Stick of Poems, by Evan Pritchard $10 (Resonance Communications; ISBN 978-1-64316-461-8.) Possibly Pritchard’s most significant poetic offering yet
• The Tappaen: The Keepers of the River Crossings.; The Lenape Nation that Helped America Discover Itself (Resonance, comb, 245 pp.) There are a lot of things they didn’t tell you in school. This book opens up a whole new chapter of American history, as it was never told before. $20+P&H . PO Box 259, Rosendale, New York, 12472
• Music as Medicine for Troubled Nation, an amazing 235 page book about things musical in 1967. $15 plus postage.
• 14 Traditional Mi’kmaq Songs transcribed in classical notation.
Email for more details.
For more about Evan Pritchard,
Center for Algonquin Culture Includes all publications
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Page information last update: June 2023
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