showsovereign Last update: Dec 13, 2023

Show Sovereignty

How do we show others that we are sovereign?

          By respecting the sovereignty of each and all.
We respect our own sovereignty by quietly standing up for ourselves, by educating ourselves and forming our own opinions, by discerning truth from fiction and seeing through the lures of others, by honestly choosing the better good, by refusing to let others unduly influence us.

          We respect another's sovereignty by respecting their choices, by allowing and encouraging them to form their own opinions and by allowing them to make their own errors, thus learning from their own actions. We can tell another how and why we do something but it is up to them if they wish to try it.

          The only rules we can make are ones we make for our selves. For example, D'Amiki once decided that he would have no foul language around him. If someone used foul language in his presence, he said nothing. He simply left. It was his rule, governing his behavior. If he was not able to leave, he would politely ask the other person to refrain from using such words in his hearing. If they agreed, it was good. Many agreed for they could see the benefits. If not, he arranged to remove himself from the environment. If we cannot remove ourself from a negative or unpleasant environment, we can look for, and find, a way to change it.

          When Damiki served at Rahway State Prison, he promised inmates he would write them up if they used foul language. He never had to. The Lifers Group was pleasantly surprised to see the way respectful language got the attention of the young men coming through the Scared Straight program. It was a novelty to the young people. Those filming the Scared Straight program, however, insisted on using impolite language and created a disturbance lasting several days. Several officers were injured and one attempted suicide. [For more info, see Scared Straight]

          Yes, when raising standards, one needs to be prepared for consequesnces but adjustments are soon made.

          We can also show others how to be sovereign in a group.
Each of the group's members respects the opinions and choices of the others. Respect is shown by accepting another's choice and their right to make it, by not speaking against others' choices simply because we do not agree but only with good reason, by encouraging creativity and innovation, and by giving unbiased, balanced opinions when asked.

          Disagreeing with another person's choice should not be expressed as dislike of the person but as disagreeing with the opinion.

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