LITN Newsletter 2402
7-2 updated: Feb. 27, 2024

Creating the Future III
Blind Loyalty Breeds Corruption

Corruption Breeds Blind Loyalty

Living in the Now Newsletter
February 27, 2024

        Loyalty is becoming a bit tarnished. The Uni-Party has dealt it some nasty blows. More than a few who are loyal to familiar institutions, sometimes for generations, are finding they hardly recognize the entity to which they have been loyal.

        Loyalty may be simply defined as devoted attachment. For some, this devotion overrides reasonable cautions. This may border on blind adherence to whatever the object of the loyal feeling is promoting. However, such adherence is not befitting a sovereign being or group, a sovereign person or body.

        Sovereign beings are directly and individually responsible for their own actions and/or lack thereof and the results of same. Automatically following the dictates of another without considering the merits of same may be not only foolhardy but dangerous and disruptive to life and civil order.

        Fortunately, the rising energy levels on Earth are making it easier for us all to see more clearly the results of not only our considered paths but the likely consequences of group actions and plans. This is evident in the newly arising demands for people who allow not so good things to happen through inaction to now face consequences.

        Blind loyalty, an opposite of sovereignty, is not appropriate in a society where people are expected to be informed before making decisions and then make them on the basis of facts. The current constitution of the American united states specifies this. Being un-informed leads to reliance on the opinions of others which may not be in harmony with our own well being.

        It may also allow individuals to believe they can influence others to choose ways benefitting a few at the expense of the rest of the people. And it may result in blatant corruption where certain ones feel they owe their allegiance and support to certain others due to favors rendered or offers made which cannot be refused.

        We have seen the consequences of this tactic of coercing people to cooperate with non-beneficial policies. A certain NY State Governor resigned because he allegedly paid for a prostitute's services with a personal check. Or did he? What lawyer [the Governor] worth the title pays a prostitute with a check??? Does it matter that this same lawyer had amassed a collection of evidence showing insurance fraud. The dominant culture thought they got rid of such evidence in the demolition of Building 7 but this lawyer appears to have his own stash. Real reason the Governor resigned: his family was threatened with death and worse.

        This writer learned from her council rep that he felt obligated to vote the "party" agenda because they had paid his campaign expenses. When this writer heard the amount, she said "I could have bought you".

        It is becoming known that elected officials are photographed in compromising situations with the photos/videos held as a means of securing their cooperation when they are opposed to the desired actions. This writer's grandfather was advised in the early 1900s to not drink alcohol if he wished to hold public office while he was burgess [mayor] of a Pennsylvania town. The danger has increased geometrically.

        The available opportunities for corruption are side stepped by many. However, unquestioning loyalty creates an environment where those snared by the tentacles of corruption have few or no allies in attempting to free themselves, especially when it is not plainly seen and openly discussed. People are trained to watch for occasions where crime, such as personal robbery, may occur. How many are educated about recognizing and preventing possible incidents of corruption?

        It is time for us all to consciously and actively support those who seek to act for the good of all and not look the other way when another seeks to enrich self at the expense of others.

        Many are already uncomfortable, consciously or not, when in the presence of corruption.

        A local Civil War monument says the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. We must be ever aware of the possible dangers to sovereign life in general and to a republican form of government in particular. We must remain open to assisting others who may be caught in traps which threaten the lives and well being of all.

        The two greatest rules to live by are to love the Creator (divinity, especially as expressed in the creation of each of us) and to love others as we love self (affirming the obligation to love self). We do well to keep this in mind in creating our future.

Our choice.

Wanisi do

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