Creating the Future
Continued II
Living in the Now Newsletter
January 27, 2024
The rising energy levels on Earth offer opportunities to change the way we do things. It is now more possible to source locally. We can and are producing more food closer to home. Currently, 90% of what we eat is not grown locally. It is shipped, This can be reversed. Much more can be grown locally.
Each of us can grow our favorite herb in pots. [Like a house plant.] More than flowers can be grown on window sills. Grow veggies in pots or in the ground in a garden, on a wall, in a raised bed. If we don't have room where we live, we can establish a community garden with others, indoors or outdoors. Growing food indoors makes it possible to grow food year round and reduces losses due to the weather. The saving in transportation costs with local production and the improvement in the quality of the food make it worth while. Any processing can also be done locally. Discussions of the benefits can fill volumes.
Food and medicine plant production is not the only area where a change in geography may be beneficial.
We can generate all our power closer to home, or where ever it is to be used.
We humans are good examples. We are energy fields with trillions of cells. Each of our cells generates its own electricity. How do we do this? Computers are modelled on our brains. Our cell phones are little computers. Some enterprising ones can study how we generate electricity and make external devices to do the same. Some already have. We need to stop discouraging this development of individual power sources in favor of a few and open it to the many.
The handling of waste can also be done at the point of generation. Composting food waste can be done easily, greatly reducing our trash. We all know paper, glass and plastic can be recycled. We can save on the use of petroleum by using other more recyclable materials such as hemp and save petroleum for longer lasting objects. Reducing our garbage by 90%, through biodigesters for example, would be most beneficial to us and the planet. A by product of local waste processing is it can be used to produce electricity and heat in various ways.
Local sourcing of water may be the most challenging, particularly in areas with large populations but it is possible.
Sourcing our needs locally will eliminate many current jobs. It will also provide many more with enjoyable and beneficial experiences, decrease the need for external income sources such as having three jobs, and increase the connections among humans, plants and animals, as well as, the opportunities for cooperation among and with all.
Our choice.
This article inspired by Andrew Faust’s talk hosted by Evan Pritchard on Jan. 25, 2024.
For some other sources on how we can change and why we might consider this,
see: Gregg Braden, Nassim Haramein and David Wilcock.
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