We are at the point Now where it is beneficial for all good souls to join together. Visualize all Standing arm to arm, back to back united heart to heart, mind to mind and soul to soul, emphatically deciding the Dark shall NOT win. This is the Battle on the Homefront.
We have been carefully trained by those who would control us.
It is time, however, for us to become ourselves, fully sovereign and compassionate beings, ready to rebuild our world so that ALL benefit. It’s time to form a society in harmony with each other, the planet and all creatures dwelling here
To do this we need to acknowledge that certain not so good things have been allowed to occur. Then, forgive ourself for not preventing them and let any and all judgements go.
Allowing ourselves, individually and as a community, to mourn all that we have lost and releasing our sadness opens the doors to restoring creativity and abilities to construct a way of living many have only dreamed and imagined as possible. Know that those who have left will be with us again.
The ever increasing energy available to all who dwell with Anastasis [Earth] benefits us in a few ways. By accepting this energy we put ourselves out of the sphere of the Dark ones who can’t stand the Light and flee. Seeing ourselves surrounded with Light, filling our homes and wherever we are with it, further raises the energy levels, eliminating possible harm. It increases harmony with all other beings. By increasing our own energy, we improve our capacities to know, to see/visualize/imagine, to understand, to unite and to cooperate.. We can better discern what is true. We recognize what we can do to heal self and do it.
Many of us are concluding enough is enough. The Battle on the Homefront was initiated with Covid. To end it, we must all unite, all STAND together, sharing the Light, arm in arm, back to back, heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul, and let our wishes be known.
Do you Know?
We are wonderfully made
Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
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