Anastasis (Earth) is doing a major house cleaning and clearing. We should be doing the same, both for ourselves and the planet we dwell with, letting go of what no longer serves. At the same time, we may create and share our thoughts on what we wish to see. Energize the services we wish to do and enjoy, replacing what is being released. This elevates the energy of all so we may all heal quickly.
One of the first things being replaced is our “economic” system. Currently, it is debt based, environmentally destructive and resource wasting. We may replace/displace it with a global prosperity service. The environment can take care of itself if we stop meddling, trying get rich schemes and overusing.
The priority is that each one has adequate food, shelter, and clothing without concern for tomorrow. The second goal is that each has the tools and means to accomplish their purpose in incarnating with Anastasis. There is no reason to stockpile anything except what may be necessary to survive a season without.
Global prosperity ensures that no one has a lack of essentials.
How do we bring this about?
By seeing it.
Visualize, using the imagination, all people having enough to eat, being adequately sheltered and comfortably clothed. If anyone has a misfortune, see their neighbors coming together and helping them out until they can restore themselves.
Write down what we wish to see in our life. Read it daily. Anticipate enjoying it.
Loving our neighbor as our self means to first love self and second, to see that our neighbor is as well taken care of as we ourselves are.
And who are our neighbors? All men, women and children, as well as all beings, all life, now dwelling with Anastasis.
Spend time each day working on self. Take inventory. Is there anything bothering self, not working optimally? Can I raise my own energy to heal or release it? (Via forgiveness exercise.) Raise own energy daily. Clear any/all negative areas in self. Clear house or apartment daily. Raise the energy of the ground around dwelling. Raise the energies of the routes traveled, places visited, where we shop and work.
The existing financial system is expiring. What replaces it depends on us. Our choice.
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Love Banishes Fear!
cooperation respect equality sharing sovereignty
non-hierarchal non-judgmental
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