Are you Living Your Dream?
Living in the Now Newsletter
May 27, 2020
There are a few key ingredients for living NOW: choose, love, forgive, accept, be grateful.
Choose: everything we do is a choice, consciously or not. We are presented with many paths, many possibilities, many detours. Some choices are major. Some appear minor but turn into major. Many are minor but are cumulative and can lead us far from where we begin. We are born with a goal, a dream, a purpose. Do we choose our path or let someone else choose it for us. Do we listen to our Soul Voice? Or follow the pack. Our choice. Will we make it?
Love: to wish the best for our self and others. To desire that we all exercise the freedom to follow our hearts. To allow others to choose their own path whether we like it or not. To raise our energy levels, overcoming fear and all negativity, seeing and hearing true.
Forgive: to release anger, resentment, judgment, ill will. Forgiving heals our self, our heart. Forgive self for allowing whatever has happened to happen. Forgive others because we have allowed our self to feel hurt by what they have done or not done.
Accept: acknowledge to self the reality of the situation in front of us right now without blame or judgment. See it as it is and what may possibly be done. Is it a challenge to endure? Will changing our self enable us to master what we face? Will a point come when our best option is to walk away? As in a card game, we need to know when to hold and when to fold.
Be grateful. Gratitude raises our energy level and gives us room to face life. It allows us to see beauty and feel loved.
Humanity has been given a gift. We have been “paused”, given a few unscheduled minutes. We have had time to think, to wonder, to reconsider, to get to know our self and our neighbors better. We are beginning to see that the life we have created needs some changes.
Change begins with self. We decide and change the way we act. This may change the way others around us act in reaction to our change. Still others may now see differently and respond. This is the ripple effect as when a stone is tossed into a pond.
See the life you wish to live. Begin the changes which bring this life into being, one step at a time. Welcome others of like mind to join in.
Toss out the ways which no longer serve and create a new reality of peace and harmony.
Our choice.
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Live the Dream. ........ NOW!
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Do You Know? ... We are
We shift from one energy level to
another and back again.