Heal the Grief
Living in the Now Newsletter
April 27, 2020
There may be much to grieve for now. “Normal” grief is associated with losing friends, partners, relatives, health, income, etc. We are now also suffering from loss of contact with other humans; loss of freedom of movement, speech; loss of faith in elected leaders and the compassion of humans. We face increasing anxiety, fear and uncertainty among ourselves, family, friends and all humanity. We have lost much of the familiar and are in danger of losing more.
Grief is a label we apply to emotions experienced when suffering loss. Loss of personal relationships is primary but it also applies to greater and lesser losses. [See www.intuitionuse.com/grief-karma.html for more on grief & loss] We grieve as individuals, families, communities, nations and globally.
There is another process going on now which may be even more challenging which may be faced with mixed emotions. Ultimately, however, it is a cause for joy. Earth is changing, ever increasing in energy, and shifting into a different mode of being, a different level of consciousness which some identify as fifth dimensional. We get to go along with her if we so choose.
The catch: we must let go of our excess emotional baggage to travel with Earth. The complication: much has been kept hidden from Earth inhabitants so as to not disturb their sleep. Some of this is well-intentioned, some is malevolent. However, to go along with Earth, Earthizens MUST be aware of the situations they are moving from and into. Learning hidden truths may increase grief exponentially.
It is, therefore, very beneficial if as many as possible can heal their grief as much as possible in as short a time as doable. NOW.
A simple way to relieve grief and excess emotion towards another is to love and forgive. Say “I love me, I forgive me, I love “x”, I forgive “x”” where “x” is the target of our excess emotion. This love is not the emotional liking and approving kind. It is the non-judgmental wishing another all that is the best, respecting their right to do as they will whether we like it or not, knowing we are one. This can be done daily, once or twice a day, or every time we think of it during the day, until we feel the lifting of the unneeded emotion.
We grieve the loss of the familiar. We are aware at some level that life will never be the same. We may not see how it is changing but we already grieve that it is.
We are waiting for this bad dream to be over, for life to go back to the way it was. Back to polluting? Bad air? Bad water? Contaminated soil? Back to disrespecting Earth and its inhabitants? Back to working on someone else's schedule, doing their wishes? Compromising our integrity? Being paid pennies? To ignoring our dreams? To denying our sovereignty? To ignoring discernment?
We think of grief as appropriate when a person leaves our life. There are however many other reasons for grief. We are experiencing more than a few now. What do we do about it?
Keep an open mind. Use the power of the mind. Link with others of like mind.
Remember this is why we are here.
Remember we are spirits wearing physical bodies and this is what we agreed to, to work together to create as smooth a transition as possible for us all. We are prepared for this. And we volunteered.
We know how to recognize truth from fiction/fantasy. We know how to walk in balance. We know how to listen and hear our soul self. We know it is useless to hold on to what no longer serves, however comforting, and to let it go.
It is time to do these things and more. Remember we are never alone. We have guides, family, and friends waiting to help if we but remember to ask. Most of these ones are in spirit and the help we need is spiritual for the solutions we seek are also spiritual.
The "free" time many of us have now is to allow us to operate more on a spiritual level, in simpler ways. Being in nature, prayer, meditation, calm, non-judgmental, exercising sovereignty, listening to and hearing each other, respecting the rights of others, honoring all, enables us to clear away old patterns and work together to develop new, more beneficial, simple ways of living. Raising energy levels increases the health of our immune system, avoids dis-ease and fosters our creativity in designing a new life. We must simply choose to do so.
Maintaining the Immune System
The best defense is a strong immune system.
Doing the following builds and strengthens immunity.
Practice passionate detachment.1
Be in nature, sunlight.
Laugh, sing, dance. Have fun.
Fill self with light/love. Send light to others, especially those most in need and all viruses.
Eat the purest food. Drink the purest water.
Practice personal sovereignty.
Forgive all wrongs, injuries.2
Maintain the body’s alkalinity.
Communicate with family, friends, etc.
Use stabilized oxygenated water.
Think positive thoughts.
Practice discernment.3
Respect all: self, the body, each other.
Do the “Push” daily.4
1See www.intuitionuse.com/intuition-tools.html
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Contact: neetopkkeetopk@pm.me (Etaoqua)
Love Banishes Fear!
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